Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Feeder service in town centers

I hope to see, in the future, the use of feeder services for each town. Each town can have 2 to 4 feeder services to serve the different parts of the town and bring the residents to the town center where the shops, MRT stations and bus interchange is located.

With just a few feeder service, the waiting time should be short (less than 5 minutes). As a commuter, I do not mind using a feeder bus to take the train or an express bus. When I drive to the MRT station, I have to park my car nearby and talk to the station anyway. The walking distance is usually longer.

If we use feeder buses, we do not need to have many direct bus services (maybe 200 services or more) to connect to different combinations of locations. These are confusing and inconvenient.

We need to simplify the system of bus services to make it more convenient for people to use the buses.


  1. Hi can i ask how is this feeder services different from what we have now? In hougang we have a long feeder that plys along from hougang central to kovan, hougang ave 1 but the waiting time is terrible in the nonpeak hours where the waiting time is 15mins or more typically( sometimes reaching 30mins). If the SBS is sincere in improving the situation, the waiting time for the feeder should be 5mins even during nonpeak hours. A more radical transport system might be necessary or it will still be the same sad story for us ordinary citizens

  2. It should be a regulator requirement for the feeder service to be within 5 min during most hours of the day. If there are insufficient passengers for a big bus, they should use a small bus or a car. The feeder service should be open for small operators to run the service. They are willing to work harder and do not aim to make big profits.


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