Sunday, November 22, 2009

Magnificent views of Paris

I just visited Paris to meet people at the research institute INRIA. I did not take any pictures of Paris, although it was a beautiful city. Someone sent me these wonderful images of the Eiffel Tower and other sceneries of Paris - much better than I can ever take with my own photos.

Dear Mr. Tan,
One of my friends sent this to me. I am sharing this just in case you have not seen it. Today's technology make possible to see the wold with having to leave home. Just enjoy.

The Eiffel Tower - like being there yourself.

You will see the Eiffel Tower like never before....push the arrows and put it on the full screen 360 deg

Click on the link:

Sound provided as well.

1 comment:

  1. An expert told me that this uses a new techonology called Photosync. You take many photos showing different angles of the scenery and the software will stick them together to form a panoramic picture.


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